Saturday, October 9, 2010

Runyan: Adler Is 'Dishonest, Lacks Principle'

Here is Republican congressional candidate Jon Runyan's statement on the candidacy of Peter DeStefano and the actions of  Congressman John Adler and the Camden County Democrat machine:  Ever since our campaign established links between Congressman John Adler and the fraudulent candidacy of Peter DeStefano, I knew there was a possibility that something much more sinister was going on.
Certainly something unethical. Perhaps even something illegal. Today’s Courier Post story proves that my instincts were right.
What I’m about to say is going to sound harsh. But it’s not out of anger.
It’s out of frustration that politics in our country has become so toxic that the important issues we face have to take a backseat to garbage like this.
My opponent, John Adler, represents everything that is wrong with politics in this country today.
He is dishonest. He lacks principle.
And he’s clearly willing to say or do anything to win re-election and cling to power.
The fact that he and his team would intentionally try to defraud and disenfranchise voters by planting a fake candidate in the race with the intention of confusing people and stealing votes from me is disgraceful.
I would ask for an apology, but frankly, an apology from someone like Congressman Adler would be so meaningless that it’s not worth seeking.
Let me be clear…
I want to win this election and I am working very hard every day to do just that. I am pouring my heart and soul into it.
I want to go to Congress and serve the people of this district and make a difference in my community and in my country.
However, win or lose, I want to go home to my wife and three kids at night and be able to look them in the eye and have them be proud of who I am and how I conduct myself.
THAT is the difference between me and politicians like John Adler.
I’ve said it one form or fashion since the day I got in this race…
If we want to change this country, we need to change the people who run it.
It’s not about Democrat or Republican. It’s about the person.
And this whole affair proves John Adler is not the right person to represent this district.
Click here to get involved in the Runyan campaign.

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