Saturday, October 9, 2010

Senator Diane Allen Honored

New Jersey State Senator Diane Allen (R-Burlington) was the recipient of two statewide honors in as many weeks. The State Alliance of YMCA's and the New Jersey Aviation Association each honored Senator Allen for her work and commitment over the past year on various issues.
"I am honored to be recognized by two different, yet equally important, organizations in New Jersey," Allen stated. "The YMCA has a long tradition of helping children and families through a wide range of activities and services. The Jersey Aviation Association plays an integral role in creating jobs and improving safety in New Jersey's aviation industry. Both organizations play an important role in strengthening our communities."
The YMCA of Burlington County selected Senator Allen as their 2010 "Friend of the YMCA" for her support in the areas of bus longevity, child care and her ongoing support of the Riverfront Y in Burlington. Allen headed the successful campaign to raise $2 million to bring the "Y" to her district. This is the second time Senator Allen has been selected to receive this award, with 2002 being the first year she was honored.
The New Jersey Aviation Association selected Senator Allen as their "Legislator of the Year" in 2010. The Senator took her first solo flight 30 years ago, and has enjoyed flying in her own plane ever since. She was honored for her work in supporting general aviation, and bringing jobs to New Jersey through corporate aviation.
"I look forward to continuing my work on these issues and many others, so that we can improve the lives of New Jersey residents throughout the state," Allen concluded.

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