Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Christie Asks Sports Authority Chief To Resign

Citing his recent arrest for allegations of bribery and official misconduct, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie today sent a letter to Joseph C. Spicuzzo of Middlesex requesting his resignation as a Commissioner of the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority (NJSEA).
In calling for his resignation, Governor Christie wrote, “given the seriousness of the criminal charges, your continued participation in NJSEA affairs would be disruptive to the effective and orderly operation of the NJSEA, and could lead the public to question the integrity of the actions of the NJSEA.”
Governor Christie also noted that the NJSEA is taking important steps to eliminate the need for continued taxpayer subsidies of its operations while continuing to preserve a robust horseracing industry in the State. “The conduct of one individual Commissioner cannot be permitted to cloud the work of the entire NJSEA in acting to further these goals,” wrote the Governor.

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