Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Kyrillos: Shared Services Can Lower NJ Taxes

New Jersey State Senator Joe Kyrillos (R- Monmouth/Middlesex) says that property tax relief is being held hostage by inaction on legislation enabling shared services among local governments. Kyrillos is the sponsor of S-2024, a Toolkit bill which permits necessary personnel reductions for local governments that consolidate services.
"There is no incentive for local governments to share services unless they are able to combine workforces," said Kyrillos. "Shared services will offer substantial savings to taxpayers, but only if the departments that are combined also see a net reduction in personnel through layoffs. It is time for Legislative leadership to put partisanship and rivalry toward the Governor aside and post this property tax relief measure for a vote."
If enacted, Kyrillos's legislation will allow governments that combine departments to cut personnel via layoffs. The Senator said this is necessary in order to assure that excess staff is not maintained by the new, consolidated department.
"The Senate President has been an early leader on shared services, but taxpayers cannot afford any further delay and excuses," said Kyrillos. "We cannot achieve our common goal of sustained, long-term property tax relief unless this legislation is enacted. Departments that are shared among local governments should be required to keep only the staff they need, and that the taxpayers can afford. It is incumbent upon the Legislature to remove any and all impediments to this common-sense principle."

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