Thursday, September 29, 2011

Obama Tanks In Blue, Blue New Jersey

Obama tanks in Joizee!
New Jersey voters have soured on President Barack Obama, with 44% approving and 47% disapproving according to the latest Farleigh Dickinson University PublicMind poll.
Obama's figures are down dramatically from 55%-36% approvals in May. This also marks the first time since Obama took office (through 18 PublicMind polls) that his disapprovals have exceeded his approvals in this state which is heavily Democratic.
The poll also shows that 71% of New Jerseyans feel the country is headed in the WRONG direction while only 18% feel it is headed in the right direction. New Jersey hasn't showed that type of sentiment since the late days of the George W. Bush administration.
BTW: Chris Christie continues to score significantly higher than Obama among New Jerseyans in recent polls.

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