Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sen. Allen Elected To Board Of N'tl. Group

New Jersey State Senator Diane Allen (R- Burlington/Camden) has been elected by her peers in the National Order of Women Legislators (NOWL) to serve on the Board of Directors of the National Foundation for Women Legislators (NFWL). The Order, a sister organization to NFWL, is made up of a membership of all current female state legislators.
“Throughout my fifteen years of public service I have worked to encourage women to participate in the political process and seek elective office at all levels of government in New Jersey,” said Senator Allen. “I am honored to have been chosen by my peers to serve on the Board of the National Foundation for Women Legislators. By electing more women to government at all levels, we can better ensure that the unique needs of 51% of the population are served by the lawmaking bodies of all fifty states and the U.S. Congress.”
NOWL elects and appoints one representative each to the Board of Directors of NFWL to serve as a liaison between the organizations. The Foundation’s mission is to provide strategic resources, leadership and educational development, and networking opportunities for women elected to the state legislatures and Congress.
Allen previously served as Regional Director of NOWL, representing the states of New Jersey, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, and the District of Columbia. 

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