Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Christie's Statement: Governor's Job 'Is My Passion'

Here is New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's opening statement from today's news conference in Trenton:

"I've been adamant about fact i wouldn't run for president. I was clear and direct, no matter how many times I was asked the question. My answer was always no.

"My job in New Jersey is my passion. I'm doing the job I love, in the state I grew up in, on behalf of the toughest, greatest people in the country.

"It was not recently until I paused and reflected on my decision. There have been people passionately calling on me to consider something as consequential as a run for president, and I had to consider their advice.

"I will always be grateful for their confidence in me. I thought long and hard about this decision and I considered if I needed to take it on. What I felt was the right decision remains the right decision. Today is not my time.

"I will not abandon my commitment to New Jersey. I will fix a broken New Jersey. I'm proud of the work we've done, but I know I'm not nearly done. I've made this commitment to my state. I'm just not prepared to walk away. Not everyone agrees with my decision, but my loyalty to my state is what it is.

"Abraham Lincoln once said, 'I want to see a man proud of a place he lives. I'd like to see a man live so his place is proud of him. I'm proud of this state and its people. I know there's much more we need to do together to ensure the future of our children. Now is not a time to leave unfinished business. The stakes are too high.'

"New Jersey, whether you like it or not, you are stuck with me. I'm grateful to the people in New Jersey and around the country. I'm grateful for their confidence in me and the faith they place in me. This has been unbelievably humbling and inspiring."

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