Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Open Letter To Governor Christie: 'Thank You!'

Dear Governor Christie:
Today, you told the people of New Jersey: "Whether you like it or not, you are stuck with me."
With resolve, characteristic good humor and no small amount of true grit you reaffirmed your promise to people like me: Lifelong New Jerseyans who have longed for the type of leadership you've brought to this state.
Yes, Governor -- you have set an example for the nation to follow. In a very short time you completely changed the climate in Trenton, rearranged the terms of the debate and broke through seemingly impenetrable barriers. You became America's new model for frank, decisive leadership.
And if you had chosen to make a presidential bid, I would have supported you.
But today, you set yet another benchmark for leadership by showing America that sober promises are more important than sunny prospects; that a solemn pledge supersedes mere speculation.
Your decision did not surprise me. I expected it.
From the first moment I met you, I was impressed with your refreshing candor, your heartfelt determination and, above all,  your love for and understanding of our state and its people.
You've traveled a long distance since the day you first asked me for my vote. There's no question about it: You're a national figure now. You're on the Big Stage.
But I know that your heart will always be here, in New Jersey. I've never doubted that. And I'm so pleased that you will continue to lead our state.
None of us knows what the future holds.
Yet, I'm confident yours will remain very, very bright because you have earned (and you continue to earn) the success that comes your way.
With deep appreciation and sincere thanks, I remain
Dan Cirucci

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