Thursday, October 20, 2011

How Much Longer Must We Endure Philly 'Occupation?'

Center city Philadelphia residents and other affected parties have been receiving this message from Alert Philadelphia:
On Friday, October 21st, at 12:00 PM (noon) supporters of Occupy Philly are encouraging students at Temple University's main campus to walk out of class and march to City Hall to join their protest. 
Also, on Friday, 4:30 PM House of Representatives Majority Leader Eric Cantor is scheduled to speak at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. At approximately 3:30 PM supporters of Occupy Philly plan to march from City Hall to the University of Pennsylvania to hold a demonstration.
The route of these marches is unknown at this time. The marchers will be accompanied by police to minimize the disruption to traffic.
The Philadelphia Police Department's Civil Affairs Unit has assigned personnel to these events. The Commanding Officers of the Central Police Division, the Sixth, Ninth and Center City Districts, Temple and the University of Pennsylvania Police Departments have also been notified of these activities.
I have a simple question: How much is this costing the city in TOTAL costs and how much longer will this nonsense be remitted to continue?
Oh, and one other thing: Why does the city leadership seem to be playing cozy with Occupy Philadelphia. WHY!?!


  1. You do realize that Americans have a constitutional right to protest... Yes, even if they disagree with you. Cost of the occupy protests is a bullshit excuse to try to trample on the Constitutional rights of Americans you disagree with when you can't come up with ANY legit reasons as to why there complaints dont matter.

  2. As I have pointed out to you before: An occupation is NOT a demonstration.
    People have a right to demonstrate and permits are given to use public spaces to demonstrate. Such permits are not open-ended. They have set times and rules. The right of free expression is not limitless.
    The public has a right to use public spaces as they are normally used in the day-to-day course of life in the city
    This also means the public has the right to traverse public spaces -- to move through them freely. The public also has a right to its own health, safety and welfare in public settings.
    No one has a right to take over a public space and OCCUPY it.
    YOU better brush up on the Law,
    Because you don't know what you're talking about Mr. (or Ms,) Anonymous!
