Thursday, October 20, 2011

Video: The REAL Chris Christie - In His Element

Look at this amateur video and take a peek into the real life of day-to-day Jersey politics and the world of the real Chris Christie.
When I say the "real" Chris Christie I don't want to suggest for one minute that the Governor of New Jersey is ever anything but real.
But if you want to see Chris Christie up close and personal -- just as he is -- you have to go with him to the small towns and cities in New Jersey; to the clubhouses and parish halls and community centers and firehouses and taprooms where Chris Christie is in his element.
Christie is not simply secure and comfortable with himself but he's also comfortable with ordinary people. He understands the needs and concerns of everyday taxpayers -- the people who make our world work. He knows what they're all about because he spends a lot of time with them. And he genuinely likes them. He likes being with them.
When Christie said that he wasn't running for President because he loved New Jersey and there was unfinished work be done here and that he had to keep his promise to the people of this state, he meant it.
And so, here he is at a small gathering for State Senate and Assembly candidates in Atlantic County (home of Atlantic City) rallying the party faithful and doing the tough, hard work that sustains our democracy. And somehow, without notes or any prepared text, Christie knows how to bring it all together and make it meaningful for everyone, while keeping it all in perspective as well.
If all politics really are local, then this is the ultimate lesson in politics and people power.
And this is Chris Christie!

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