Saturday, October 15, 2011

Noonan: Obama Now Largely Irrelevant

Peggy Noonan feels that America will never be able to trim and tweak its way back to economic dynamism. And in today's Wall Street Journal she expresses her disillusionment with Obama and his policies in her usual clear and concise manner. Here's an excerpt:
At some point in the past year or six months, people started to realize: The economy really isn't going to get better for a long time. Everyone seems to know in their gut that unemployment is going to stay bad or get worse. Everyone knows the jobless rate is higher than the government says, because they look around and see that more than 9% of their friends and family are un- or underemployed. People put on the news and hear about Europe and bankruptcy, and worry that it's going to spread here. Eighteen months ago smart people could talk on TV about how we're on a growth path and recovery will begin by fall of 2010. Nobody talks like that now. . .
President Obama's jobs bill failed in the Senate this week, and the headline is not that it lost, it's that it lost and nobody noticed. Polls actually showed support for various parts of it. You know why it failed? Because he was for it. Because he said, "Pass this bill." So weak is public faith in his economic leadership that people figure if he's behind it, it must be a bad idea. After the bill failed, the president said he won't accept defeat: He and the American people "won't take no for an answer." Why does he talk like that, in a way so removed from reality? He didn't sound resolute, he sounded plaintive, like someone doing a sound check in an empty hall he knows will never fill.
Click here to read more.

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