Saturday, October 15, 2011

Let's Blow The Whistle On Phony 'Diversity Cops'

The great Christine Flowers says that liberal 'diversity cops' have had their day. And she makes a very compelling case to that effect. Here's an excerpt from her Philadelphia Daily News column.
Cornel West and Tavis Smiley, touring the country with their dog and pony show, imply that he's [Herman Cain] not a legitimate spokesman for blacks because he supposedly thinks racism is a thing of the past. Only that's not what Cain really thinks. His obvious point (obvious, that is, to the people who never put on their parochial blinders) is that you can't continue forever to blame racism for your failures. Some might take exception to that concept. But it's not all that revolutionary coming from a self-made millionaire who managed to put himself through prestigious Morehouse College.
Cain should take some comfort from the experience of another allegedly illegitimate black man, Clarence Thomas. To this day, most liberals, many of them privileged, educated and white, continue to refer to Thomas as the stupid justice, the one who got onto the Supreme Court because of his skin color and his ability to lie convincingly about his taste in videos and sodas. He has been caricatured by some members of the black community as well, who call him a hypocrite for getting into Yale law as a result of affirmative action and then criticizing the system that opened the Ivy doors to him.
But Thomas has always used himself as an example of the dangers of quotas, pointing to his diploma and saying it wasn't as valuable as a white man's. And that's because, as he notes, everyone used to assume that he was admitted over better-qualified non-minorities. The irony in all of this is that Thomas is increasingly looked upon as the most original and brilliant mind on the court, as Jeffrey Toobin recently observed in the New Yorker.
Click here to read the entire column.

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