Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sean Penn Makes A Fool Of Himself - Again!

Look At Sean Penn.

How smart can he be if he's still smoking?

Like most presumptuous (and empty-headed) liberals he lives by the rule "Do as I say, not as I do." In other words, Penn believes the rules should apply to everyone but him. You have to apply by politically-correct and environmentally friendly standards and you have to redistribute your wealth to others in the name of some nebulous concept of "fairness." But he can do whatever the hell he wants. You may not be able to light up indoors (and sometimes not even outdoors) but he can. And he can insult, name-call and hurl accusations to his spleen's content. He's Sean Penn. He's a Big Hollywood Star. He knows better. And he gets a pass.

Now, here's the latest from Penn: Despite the fact that many Tea Party members and other conservatives are supporting a black man (Herman Cain) for president, Penn says the Tea Party is the "get the N-word out of the White House party."

And Penn goes further than that. Penn thinks the Tea Party members actually want to lynch President Obama. Here's what he says: "At the end of the day, there's a big bubble coming out of their heads saying, you know, can we just lynch him?"

Penn has now joined a whole list of jerky actors, entertainers and loudmouths in an unprovoked (and totally unsubstantiated) attack on the Tea Party and other conservative groups. These vacuous, accusatory windbags include Morgan Freeman, Jon Stewart, Eva Longoria, Bill (aka The Atheist) Maher, Janeane Garafalo and Joy (aka The Mouth) Behar.

But Penn remains the original punk of the group.

Trouble is, he's getting too old to play the punk. Now, the act has worn thin. Now, he's just a monumental bore.

Watch Penn in the clip below -- and watch how the somewhat effete Piers Morgan plays up to him.

Penn seems so self-assured -- so certain in his ignorance. But then again, a "star" this unattractive surely feels a certain need to compensate for his lack of looks, stature or basic breeding. That's where the arrogance comes in.

Ohhhh, for the days of Cary Grant, Jimmy Stewart, Clark Gable and John Wayne.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no, not a ...gasp.... Atheist. Horrors!

    Funny, though, that Hank Williams Jr. Isn't called out for sticking his nose into politics. But we know why. The double standard at work.
