Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bucco Bills Advance In Senate

Two bills sponsored by New Jersey Senate Republican Budget Officer Anthony Bucco moved forward Monday. S-1999, “Emma’s Law” which provides for the screening of newborns for lysosomal storage disorders and SJR- 76, which designates May as Displaced Homemakers Awareness Month, were both released from the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee and are now before the full Senate.          
“I am pleased that these two important measures moved,” Bucco began. “I hope that my colleagues in both houses will pass these two initiatives and bring them before Governor Christie by the end of the year.”
A lysosomal storage disorder is a group of approximately 50 rare inherited metabolic disorders that result from defects in lysosomal function. Lysosomal storage diseases result when cells break that down and store waste malfunction. There is no cure for the disease.
“The early diagnosis of this condition will help parents and health providers to treat the symptoms of this disease and in some cases save lives,” Bucco continued.

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