Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Kyrillos 'Cop 2 Cop' Bill Clears Committee

Legislation clarifying and improving the services authorized under New Jersey's Law Enforcement Officer Crisis Intervention Services ("Cop 2 Cop") program cleared the Senate Law and Public Safety Committee yesterday. The bill is sponsored by New Jersey State Senator Joe Kyrillos.

S-2871 provides that, upon the request of an officer or family member, hotline operators shall deploy a network or team of crisis intervention and critical incident stress management professionals, as well as arrange for law enforcement suicide prevention services.

The bill also requires hotline staff to conduct educational and outreach activities in the law enforcement community to improve the accessibility, utilization, and responsiveness of the program.

"Cop 2 Cop is an innovative program that has been successful since its establishment in helping law enforcement officers cope with the unique stresses of their jobs," said Kyrillos. "The legislation improves the current program in two important ways, first and foremost by clarifying the services to be provided to officers and/or their families upon request so as to ensure the officers get proper and timely treatment. Just as importantly, the bill works to boost utilization and awareness of the program through outreach and education to the law

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