Thursday, November 3, 2011

Christie: 95% Of Power Restored By Midnight

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie held his fourth daily conference call with Board of Public Utilities President Lee Solomon, PSEG President and CEO Ralph LaRossa, and JCP&L President Don Lynch, to receive an update on the progress of storm recovery and power restoration efforts that remain ongoing around the state. As of this afternoon, 63,000 utility customers remain without power between the two utilities, with the goal of 95 percent of impacted residents restored by midnight this evening still projected to be met.

“Given the serious challenges posed to the utilities by this storm, the progress reported today continues to be strong and in line with the projections provided on Monday by PSEG and JCP&L of restoring power to 95 percent of their impacted customers by midnight tonight,” said Governor Christie. “We will continue to monitor progress to ensure that all New Jerseyans without power are brought back online as quickly as possible and provide another update tomorrow as power restoration activities begin to be completed.”

On today’s call, PSEG reported that 97 percent of total impacted customers had their power restored, while 16,000 customers remain without power. PSEG anticipates a 100 percent restoration by the end of the day on Friday. JCP&L reported restoration to 88 percent of total impacted customers, while 47,000 remain without power. With over 1000 crews deployed in the field and working continuously to restore power to remaining customers, JCP&L anticipates meeting its 95 percent restoration goal by midnight, and 100 percent restored by Saturday.

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