Friday, November 4, 2011

Corzine Resigns as MF Global CEO After Helping Tank the Company

Jon Corzine has officially stepped down as the CEO of securities firm MF Global after his decisions helped ruin the company.

From the AP story posted on

Jon Corzine stepped down Friday from running the securities firm that collapsed after his disastrous bets on European debt. The move was announced as a criminal probe of the company appeared to be intensifying.

The firm, MF Global, said Corzine has resigned as chairman and CEO and will decline payments from a severance package worth $12.1 million, including cash and benefits.

MF Global filed for bankruptcy protection on Monday after its bets on European debt spooked investors and trading partners.

The company is under investigation by regulators and the FBI because hundreds of millions disappeared from customer accounts as it slid toward bankruptcy.

Corzine claims to have "great sadness" about what transpired at MF Global and is assisting the board with finding out what happened to the company.

I have a guess: the same financial practices you used as governor to help further dig New Jersey's into an economic hole had the same result in the business world.

Corzine has also hired a criminal attorney in light of the fact that $1 billion of customer money has gone M.I.A. Firms like MF Global are supposed to keep client money and company money separate. If the company goes south, it enables investors to easily claim their money.

Hey Jon! If you have any ideas of coming back and trying to run for governor, do us a solid and stay the Hell home!

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