Sunday, November 6, 2011

How To End The Time-Change Madness

Congress has been playing around with daylight savings time (DST) since forever.
So, once again we are "falling back" later this year.
That's why you pushed your clock back one hour before you turned in last night (Did you remember?).
And this is why you will turn it ahead again on the second Saturday in March (Don't forget!).
This also means you have to reset all of those pesky digital clocks on various devices all over your house. And, though you gained an hour of sleep, you'll lose it again next fall.
Hey, I love DST and wish we could have it all year round - which makes this ritual even more of a nuisance. Plus, it's been estimated that it costs us $1.7 billion just to change all the clocks!
This is what happens when you let the federal government mess around with the time.
I have a solution for this twice-a-year time madness: Let's set the clocks behind (or ahead) one-half-hour and leave them there.
It's a permanent compromise.
For example, next March, set the clocks ahead one-half hour and that's it.
Next fall, no change.
That oughta do it, right?

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