Monday, November 7, 2011

Elect Anne Covey To PA. Commonwealth Court!

A special message from Anne Covey, candidate for Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court:

Let me take a minute to tell you a bit about why I would like to be your next Commonwealth Court Judge. 

First, I think it is the highest honor in the legal profession to serve the law and the people as judge. As judges we are expected to be fair, impartial, and have a high degree of expertise in the law. It is our actions that determine justice for all.

I believe it is the rule of law that makes our Nation great. Other countries may change with the political winds, but in America it is the laws passed by our elected officials that govern. As a Judge, I will be impartial, decide each case on its merits and uphold the highest standard of ethics and honesty.
I am a firm believer in the principles of the United States Constitution. I believe in the clear separation of powers. Judges exist to interpret the law as legislated, not to create new laws. Many candidates talk about not legislating from the bench – this should not be treated as a casual slogan. I firmly believe that interpreting the law, rather than making the law is fundamental to our Constitution. When I look at the last 8 years of government in Harrisburg and the past 20 years in Washington, I see a legislature and executive that has passed too many laws and too many regulations. Judges should work to ensure the freedom and rights of the people, not pile on more rules and regulations.
As Judge I pledge I will work to protect the rights of all the people as brought forth in our United States Constitution. I will not look to international law for precedent. There is no place in our legal system for foreign law or precedent. I will be impartial and judge each case according to its merits.
Above all, I will uphold the highest standard of ethics and honesty. I pledge to you that I will serve the people of Pennsylvania to the best of my abilities.

On November 8, 2011, elect Anne Covey 
Commonwealth Court Judge

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