Sunday, November 13, 2011

Live Blogging With Miracle Dog

I'm here in Chester County live blogging with Daniel,
Daniel is the miracle dog who survived an Alabama carbon monoxide chamber and has lived to find a home and family.
Unfortunately, most dogs don't survive.
And worse yet, they suffer this horribly cruel end -- the torture of carbon monoxide.
Regrettably, Pennsylvania is one of only 19 states that still permits the gassing of dogs. It's time for this to end. If and when dogs need to be put down -- when that is absolutely necessary -- there are much more humane ways to end their lives.
Wisely, Chester County's outstanding State Senator Andy Dinniman has stepped to the plate and is sponsoring Daniel's Law to put an end to the gassing of dogs in the Keystone State.
A dog owner himself, Senator Dinniman is surely on the right side of this issue and the huge crowd here today on this bright, sunny Sunday afternoon proves it. There are more than 300 people here and almost as many dogs.
If dogs could vote, this would be a cinch. But dogs don't have a voice.
We must speak for them.
We must be their voice.
If you live in Pennsylvania, please contact your state senator and state representative and tell them to support SB 1329, Daniel's Law.
This law will rightly ban the gassing of all pets -- dogs and cats.

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