Sunday, November 13, 2011

Moore Lives Big, Wants Us To Live Small

What you're looking at (courtesy of Breitbart's Big Hollywood) is zany liberal filmmaker Michael Moore's million-dollar-plus mansion on pristine Torch Lake in Michigan. In fact, locals say the joint is worth TWO million bucks.
And this is just one of Moore's homes. He also reportedly owns a cushy Manhattan pad and who knows how many more properties.
Hey, we don't begrudge the money that Moore has earned, provided he earned it honestly and pays all his taxes. But what we do resent is Moore's blatant hypocrisy.
What we resent is Moore acting like an everyman and insisting he's not part of the vaulted one percent. What we resent is Moore trying to tell us how to live: smaller, more efficiently, with less personal freedom and individuality and with higher and higher taxes. What we resent is the guilt trip Moore tries to impose on us while he lives in the lap of luxury.
Imagine: Moore's made a small fortune pretending to be against making small fortunes. Only in Aemrica, folks -- only in America!
Click here to read (and learn) more.

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