Monday, November 7, 2011

To Restart Boat, Romney Needs Captain Chris

It's happened again. And again.
First, Mitt Romney got snagged on whether or not he fully supports Ohio Gov. John Kasich's pension and benefit reforms for state workers. Romney initially described this as a state matter and opted for a hands-off approach. The next day he apologized for the "misunderstanding" and said he supports Kasich's plan "110 percent."
Then, Romney backtracked on global warming, reversing earlier comments that human activity had contributed to climate change. Now, he says "we don't know what's causing climate change."
These shifts, clarifications and re-explanations have Democrats gleeful while Republicans worry that the one candidate who seems to have the stamina to defeat Barack Obama will wind up like John Kerry, branded as the proverbial flip-flopper.
Hey, I was there at the Republican convention in 2004, when GOP delegates waved giant flip-flops every time Kerry was mentioned. It worked.
What's Romney to do?

Click here to read the rest of my column from today's Philadelphia Daily news and find out how Mitt can get out of his current jam.

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