Friday, December 9, 2011

Live Blogging - Top Five Legislative Matters

We're Live blogging from the Blank Rome government relations luncheon in Manhattan.
Here are the five big items that have to be grappled with in 2012.
As a practical matter (since 2012 is an election year) most of these, except for Obamacare will probably not be dealt with until a new Congress convenes in 2013:
1) Taxes and tax reform.
2) Education.
3) Farm legislation.
4) Tranportation.
5) Health Care - To be decided by US Supreme Court by the end of the current term.
Of course, even if the Supreme Court upholds Obamacare, Republicans are committed to repealing it and, depending on the outcome of this year's elections, it might yet be repealed or effectively nullified.

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