Saturday, December 10, 2011

PA. SOCIETY: So Many People, So Little Time

We are here at the legendary Waldorf Astoria in Manhattan for the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Society and we're just coming off a full day of meetings, receptions and parties.
The weather here in New York has been absolutely perfect -- bright, crisp and sunny with just a hint of December in the air.
All around us the spirit of the Christmas season glows brightly in shops, store windows and throughout every block and avenue of the world's most excitintg city.
Of course, Manhattan is mobbed at this time of the year and sidewalks, stores, resturants, cabs buses, subways and hotels are jammed. The Waldorf is no exception. The great, grand lobby of this historic property can barely hold the crush of people and every guest room is occupied.
But if any city can handle something like this, the Big Apple can and it's all just another day in the life of New York. So, everybody gets where they're going and the city continues to function.
Anyway, we've had a chance to chat with so many people here at the Pennsylvania Society. We've met old friends and made new friends. Following (in no particular order) is a list of just some of the people we've seen and/or chatted with:
Former Philadelphia Bar Association Chancellors Cliff Haines, Sayde Ladov (here with the dapper David Ladov), Larry Beaser (here with the ever-witty Shelly Beaser), David Marion, Michael Platt, Abe Reich, Scott Cooper and Mark Aronchick (here with Dr. Judy Aronchick), Governor Tom Corbett, Mayor Michael Nutter, Senator Bob Casey, Charlie Gerow, Bonnie Squires, Vito Canuso, Mike Meehan, Ken Rotweiler, David L. Cohen, Ryan Costello, the great Bill Tyson and his classy wife Julie, always amiable Michael Adler, MichaelDeSanto, Grethchen Wisehart, Tom Ellis, the ever-vivacious Beth Hegedus, Joan Stern, Sam Becker, Bernie Smalley, Pedro Ramos, the incredible Scott Sigman, John Cerone (Chief of Staff to Philadelphia Councilman Kelly) Nick Mattiacci (Ass't Chief Counsel of the Philadelphia Parking Authority), Anthony Mirarchi of Key Arx Wealth Management, Richard Agins, Fernando Pachero, Mike Cibik, the delightful Kathy Manderino, Judge Anne Lazarus and Mitchell Klevan, Matt Perks, Tom and Kathleen Wilkinson, Joe Vignola, Pennsylvania GOP Attorney general candidate John Rafferty, tireless PR guru Jeff Jubelirer, Adam Cirucci and his beautiful fiance Gina Basciani and (lest we forget) one of Pennsylvania's most important people and our lifelong friend Gayle Michael here with her hugely accomplished lawyer/sons, Jeffrey and Matthew.
Whew -- what an incredible carousel of characters as Pennsylvania invades New York for the Pennsylvania Society. And we are enjoying every minute of it!
Now we're off to breakfast at one of our favorite spots, The Brooklyn Diner.

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