Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cain Will Endorse No Candidate

Forget about Herman Cain endorsing one of the remaining candidates in the GOP primaries.
It ain't gonna happen.
Cain says that he's decided not to endorse because he would then alienate some of his supporters and he doesn't want to do that.
Cain is trying to keep his cadre of supporters (from his failed presidential campaign) together and, the way he sees it, iuf he comes out for any one candidate then his own remaining base of support would be splintered. And Cain wants to keep that base together to back his 9-9-9 tax plan which he's still hopig the GOP and its eventual nominee will embrace.
Cain also says he will continue as a regular guest commentator on Fox News and will remain in public life for at least nine more years. At that time he will be 75 years old. "My biological clock is ticking," Cain observed.
Finally, Cain says he remains committed to the effort to defeat President Obama.
Click here for more.

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