Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Big, Hearty 'Thank You' From Romney & Co.

A special message from Romney political director Rich Beeson:

Tuesday night, Mitt made history in New Hampshire.

It was a night to celebrate the tens of thousands of doors knocked, calls made and hours volunteered.

And upon closer inspection of the results, it truly was historic:

1.    Mitt is the first non-incumbent Republican candidate to ever win both the Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire Primary.

2.    Every GOP nominee has either won Iowa or New Hampshire, no exceptions.

3.    Last night marked a record GOP Primary turnout in New Hampshire -- Americans are energized and ready to elect a new president.

4.    Mitt received wide support from voters, garnering the most votes of any candidate from registered independents and those who identified themselves as "very conservative" or "somewhat conservative."

Every one of the roughly 97,000 votes cast for Mitt Romney was earned. And now we plan on doing the same in South Carolina and Florida.

We sent a message to President Obama -- and I can't imagine he was very excited to receive it.


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