Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christie Mourns Passing Of Alex DeCroce

A longtime friend of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie passed away after a long legislative session in late last night prompting the Governor to cancel today's State of the State address.
Assemblyman Alex DeCroce, the leading Republican of the lower house who represented Christie's own Morris County (a GOP stronghold) for 23 years, collapsed and died just moments after the 214th Legislature held its final voting session.
DeCroce, 75, of Parsippany, began serving the 26th Legislative District in the Assembly in 1989 and was the Republican minority leader since 2003.
In a statement just released, Christie expressed sadness at the loss of "a dear friend, colleague and mentor." Christie knew DeCroce for nearly 20 years and said he helped give him his start in politics.
"He was one of the most kind, considerate and trustworthy people I have ever had the pleasure to know," Christie said. "He was an enormously accomplished legislator and a tremendous servant to the people of New Jersey."
He added: "This is an enormous loss for our state and for me personally."
After DeCroce's sudden death, stunned lawmakers and staffers stood mostly silent and milled around the vestibule and stairs by the Democratic and Republican caucuses’ offices last night absorbing the news. Then, a short time after midnight, Gov. Chris Christie reportedly arrived, hugged Senate President Stephen Sweeney and Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver, and the group walked into the Senate Democrats’ office. About a half-hour later, Christie headed to his office.

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