Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sen. Kean: DeCroce 'Great Leader, Tireless'

Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean, Jr. (R- Union) issued the following statement mourning the death of his friend and colleague, Assembly Republican Leader Alex DeCroce:
The New Jersey Legislature lost one of its own today, and with him, a great leader and public servant.
Assemblyman Alex DeCroce passed away while serving the people of New Jersey shortly after adjournment of the 2010-2011 legislative session.
Alex was a true leader for the Republican caucus in the Assembly, and was loved and respected by legislators of both chambers, on both sides of the aisle. He worked tirelessly for his constituents, for our party, and to make sure this institution never lost sight of who it was supposed to serve- the people of New Jersey.
I knew Alex DeCroce long before my first term in the Assembly, and we forged a special bond as leaders of our respective caucuses. It is hard to believe we will start a new legislative session without his wit, charm, and energy.
My deepest condolences, thoughts, and prayers go out to his wife, Betty Lou, and the entire DeCroce family, as well as the Assembly Republican members and staff who fought alongside Alex until his last minutes on Earth to make our state a better place.
Alex DeCroce will leave a huge void in this institution and in the hearts of the loved ones he leaves behind.

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