Monday, March 5, 2012

Barbara Bush Endorses Mitt Romney In Robo-Calls

The power behind the Bush dynasty has spoken.
And she's for Romney.
In the inner circle she's known simply as "Bar." And you don't want to mess with her.
Now, former First Lady Barbara Bush has recorded robo-calls for Mitt Romney in two Super Tuesday states: Ohio and Vermont.
Here's part of what what Bar has to say:
“We have known the Romneys for years and believe Mitt is the best man to lead the country for the next four years and Ann will make a great first lady.” The call is hitting households in both states ahead of Tuesday’s primaries.
On the call, Bush, wife of President George H.W. Bush, refers to Romney as “our friend.”
Donald Trump has also recorded an automated call for Romney just as he did in Michigan. Both of the calls were paid for by the Romney campaign.
Hey, I wouldn't want to mess with Bar or The Donald.
So, listen up America!

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