Monday, March 5, 2012

Cardinal Dolan Ramps Up Rhetoric On White House

New York's Timothy Cardinal Dolan spoke over the weekend at a Catholic high school on Long Island and it's clear that he's not backing down in the fight to secure religious freedom for America's Catholic institutions. here are some excerpts from his remarks:

“Don’t impose your teaching upon us and make us do as a church what we find unconscionable to do!”

“The Health and Human Services fight is a freedom-of-religion battle. It is not about contraception. It is not about women’s health.”

“No, we are talking about an unwarranted, unprecedented, radical intrusion into the interior life of, integrity of a church’s ability to teach, serve and sanctify on its own.”

“President Johnson said, as an American, I look to the church — I look to religion as a beehive. If you leave them alone, they’re going to give you tons of their honey. But if you stick your head in there, you’re going to get stung bad.”

“I’d recommend starting voter-registration drives at our parishes. Not only is it going to help churches, it is going to help our American republic. More voters the better.”

“I thought there’s a vocation, a call to marriage, responsible entry into marriage. I don’t recall a right to marriage. Now we hear there is a right to sterilization, abortion and chemical contraception.”

“I suppose we could say there might be some doctor who would say to a man who is suffering some sort of sexual dysfunction, ‘You ought to start visiting a prostitute to help you, and I will write you a prescription, and I hope the government will pay for it.’"

“We live in an era that seems to discover new rights every day and then expects government and culture and society to pay for it. The church emphasizes responsibility more than rights.”

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