Friday, March 2, 2012

Christie Drug Court Wins Broad Support


What They Are Saying …
Governor Christie’s Bipartisan-Supported Drug Court Initiative Is
“An Outstanding Idea” That Has “Superlative Merit” And “Tremendous Efficacy”

Senator Shirley K. Turner (D-Mercer/Hunterdon) “…offered her support to the governor's proposal to expand the state's Drug Court program.”  (“Turner Statement On Christie Proposal To Expand Drug Courts,” Press Release, 3/1/12)

·         Turner: “I fully applaud the goal of making New Jersey the first state in the nation to require that non-violent drug offenders enter treatment instead of prison.”

·         Turner: “I look forward to working with the administration to see this vision becomes a reality, so that those afflicted will have every opportunity to restore their lives and rebuild their families.”

Assemblywoman Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-Mercer/Hunterdon): “I look forward to working with the Governor on this as we move forward.” (“Watson Coleman Looking Forward To Working With Christie Administration To Make Sure Drug Treatment Program Reaches Target,” Press Release, 3/1/12)

·         Coleman: “Recognizing this for what it is – a treatable addiction – is a step in the right direction.  Most non-violent drug offenders commit crimes mainly because of their relation to substance abuse.”

·         Coleman: “Offering treatment instead of incarceration is a wise and cost-effective move.”

CEO of the New Jersey Association of Mental Health and Addiction Agencies Inc. Debra L. Wentz: “Providers are prepared to step into the role Christie foresees for them…”  (Andrew Kitchenman, “Addiction Treatment Providers Could Expand Under Christie Proposal,” NJBIZ, 3/1/12)

Rescue Mission CEO Mary Gay Abbott-Young: “Christie's focus on treating addiction as a disease that can be successfully treated can have large ramifications.”  (Andrew Kitchenman, “Addiction Treatment Providers Could Expand Under Christie Proposal,” NJBIZ, 3/1/12)

·         Abbott-Young: "I think it's the most major policy shift I've seen in 35 years in this business…"

Atlantic County Department of Public Safety’s John McLernon: “Requiring individuals to substitute rather than incarceration is an outstanding idea, it has superlative merit, tremendous efficacy, the research really does demonstrate that it does work…”  (Josh Sims, “Governor Christie Announces Expansion Of Drug Courts,”NBC40 Atlantic City, 3/1/12)

Executive Director of the Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Addiction John Hulick: “We've waited for a governor to seize that bully pulpit and bring the focus to this issue that it deserves…”(Joelle Farrell, “Christie: Give Nonviolent Criminal Addicts Treatment,” Philadelphia Inquirer, 3/1/12)

·         Hulick: “For him to take the stance and so eloquently call it what it is, which is a chronic illness it will bring hope to thousands of families who live in the shame of the stigma of drug addiction.”

State Senator Raymond J. Lesniak (D-Union): “I hope to work with him to advance realistic proposals which will result in more nonviolent offenders recovering from their addictions and becoming productive members of society.”  (“Lesniak ‘Cautiously Optimistic’ About Governor’s Focus On Nonviolent Offenders,” Press Release, 3/1/12)

Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi (R-Bergen/Passaic): “I congratulate the governor for bringing this issue to the forefront, expanding the outreach of a successful program to those who may initially resist participating and offering hope instead of despair to those suffering from addiction.”  (“Schepisi: Expanding Rehabilitation For Non-Violent Drug Offenders Is Sensible And Compassionate Approach,” Press Release, 3/1/12)

Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini (R-Monmouth): “I commend Gov. Christie for having the vision to assist in breaking the cycle of addiction which will make New Jersey a better place to live and raise our families.”  (“Angelini Lauds Christie’s Proposal Calling For Mandatory Treatment For Nonviolent Addicted Offenders,” Press Release, 3/1/12)

Senator Christopher “Kip” Bateman (R-Somerset/Mercer): “A mandatory treatment option is an overdue, necessary alternative to imprisonment.” (“Bateman Urges Enactment of Drug Court Expansion to Create Second Chances,” Press Release, 3/1/12)

·         Bateman: “This initiative will change lives and improve our society by helping nonviolent offenders get the treatment and support they need but might not otherwise pursue…”

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