Friday, March 2, 2012

With 'Friends' Like George Will GOP Doesn't Need Foes

Cranky old George Will is almost 71-years-old now.
But he still wants to be relevant, still wants to be meaningful.
Which means that now and then he needs to say something that he deems provocative.
But when he does this, it usually comes out as crusty and canteankerous -- the sort of thing you'd hardly expect from someone who once won the Pulitzer Prize.
Now, even though it's barely March (and even though Romney has edged ahead of The One in the latest polls) Will is declaring the White House lost for the GOP.
So, Will says that the primary goal of conservatives should be to retain control of the House and win the Senate so Congress can restrain President Obama while the GOP grooms its talent for 2016.
“Romney and Rick Santorum… are conservatives, although of strikingly different stripes. Neither, however, seems likely to be elected," Will says in an upcoming column.
“[T]here would come a point when… conservatives turn their energies to a goal much more attainable than… electing Romney or Santorum president. It is the goal of retaining control of the House and winning control of the Senate.." he adds.
Well, sure -- we want the House and the Senate.
But we also want the Big Prize. Let's not forget this: Republicans have won seven of the last 11 presidential elections. There's no reason why we can't win this one.
And we don't need the blessing of George Will (the man who called george H. W. Bush a "lap dog") to get it done.
Buzz off, George.

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