Friday, March 2, 2012

Romney Surges Nationwide As GOP Closes Ranks

The numbers are in from the latest Rasmussen poll and they're not good for Rick Santorum.
Mitt Romney has now surged to a double-digit lead nationwide.
The poll taken within hours of Tuesday’s results in Michigan and Arizona gave the former Massachusetts governor a 16-point lead over Santorum among likely Republican primary voters nationwide, his biggest lead so far in the protracted contest.
Republicans are beginning to rally around Romney.
Both former White House senior adviser Karl Rove and influential Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin came out to say that Romney now has an almost unshakable lock on the nomination.
Of course, Ohio will be a key test. But even there Romney has closed a huge gap and appears to be in a good position.
The tipping point may be upon us and all signs are looking good for Mitt Romney.
Why? Because Republicans want to win. They want a real leader. And more and more they're seeing Santorum as a lightweight, a whiner and a spoil sport.
Romney is a proven leader. He has staying power. And he's the only one who can defeat Obama.


  1. If the election was held nationwide, and not state by state, that might mean something.

    As it is, few seriously think Santorum will win the nomination, but he's remaining a thorn in the side of the Romney camp--which is not something to dismiss entirely out of hand. The man picked up half of Michigan's districts in Romney's sort-of home turf. That's hardly insignificant. Should it really take the kind of investment the Romney camp makes, outspending a rival few gave credit to a few months back by a multiple on the order of 5? Shouldn't Romney have been able to swat away Santorum with greater ease?

  2. Meddle around in the affairs of your own party, "Ryan." You're clearly out of your league.

  3. "Meddle?". My, my, so touchy, Danny. A wee bet sensitive to people pointing out Willard isn't the slam dunk you wish to believe?
