Saturday, May 5, 2012

Does Portman Have The Inside Track?

Washington insiders are confirming what I have suspected and what I have written about here: Romney doesn't want to take any chances with the VP post.
He wants someone safe, stable and steady in a running mate: no drama, no surprises, no loose cannons.
Yes, everyone will be well-vetted. Thoroughly vetted. That's the way Mitt likes it.
But in the end, the betting is he'll go with the strong, stable and reliable choice. Right now, that would seem to favor Ohio Senator Rob Portman. Portman has sterling credentials and he's a proven team player.
Note that Portman has been very quiet.
This is not a guy that calls undue attention to himself.
He can wait. He knows the value of patience.
And the fact that he's from Ohio is just the cherry on the sundae. The state will be key once again.
What about Rubio?
He's the glamour choice, of course.
But sometimes glamour can get messy. And experience tells us that glitz and glitter don't often come without their price and/or baggage.
Lot's can happen between now and the time for choosing, of course. But from what I'm told, this is the way things look right now.
Stay tuned.
And, in the meantime be sure to vote in our vice presidential poll at the top right hand corner of this page.
Let your voice be heard.

1 comment:

  1. I understand your argument about Portman, and it's a fair one. But Portman also was one of Bush's budget chiefs. Given that the surpluses under Clinton (however misleading they were) turned back into deficits under Bush and started us down the fiscal path we're on now, having one of Bush's budget chiefs as running mate may not be the smartest move politically. Romney's criticism of Obama's fiscal irresponsibility loses a little of its oomph if Romney then chooses a former budget chief who served under another President who exploded the deficit.

    If Romney wants a staid, low-key, non-colorful choice from a swing state, I'd suggest Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell.
