Saturday, May 5, 2012

Romney: We're Slowing Down, Not Speeding Up

“Clearly the American people are wondering why this recovery isn’t happening faster, why it’s taking years and years for the recovery to occur and we seem to be slowing down, not speeding up. This is not progress; this is very, very disappointing and a lot of American people are having very hard times and this is not good news this morning.” – Mitt Romney

“Fox and Friends”
Fox News
May 4, 2012

Click Here to Watch Mitt Romney Discuss President Obama’s Failure on Jobs

GRETCHEN CARLSON, FOX NEWS: “So we’d love to get fresh reaction. 8.2 percent unemployment to 8.1 percent. 115,000 jobs created, 115,000 instead of 160 [thousand]. Is that the number we should be looking at or the unemployment rate?”

MITT ROMNEY: “Well, we should be seeing numbers in the 500,000 jobs created per month. This is way, way, way off from what should happen in a normal recovery. The reason that you’re seeing the unemployment rate go down is because you have more people dropping out of the workforce than you have getting jobs. It’s a terrible and very disappointing report this morning. Clearly the American people are wondering why this recovery isn’t happening faster, why it’s taking years and years for the recovery to occur and we seem to be slowing down, not speeding up. This is not progress; this is very, very disappointing and a lot of American people are having very hard times and this is not good news this morning.”

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