Friday, June 15, 2012

Recall? Yes, It's Time To Recall Harry Reid!

Here is a special message from Senator John Cornyn:

1,143 days.
Democrats and their Labor Union allies tried to recall Governor Scott Walker for simply trying to reign in Wisconsin's ballooning budget.
Wouldn't it make more sense to recall Harry Reid as Senate Majority Leader this November? Under Reid's watch, Senate Democrats haven't passed a budget in 1,143  days – over 3 years!
Without a budget, the Obama Administration ballooned our debt to nearly $16 trillion.

I say it's time to RECALL REID.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) is the only political committee solely dedicated to electing conservative Republicans to the U.S. Senate. We think it’s time to RECALL REID and replace him with conservatives who will not only pass a budget – but make sure it’s balanced year in and year out.
To kick-start our effort to RECALL REID, we've set an ambitious goal to raise $1 million this month from grassroots donors like you.
The political world watches our fundraising numbers closely. At the end of this month, we want the media to be talking about the NRSC’s fundraising edge over the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Help us make it happen by contributing $20.12, $50 or even $125?

It's time we fight back against Obama and the Democrats, win the Senate, and make sure we change the way we govern.
With your support we can make it happen.

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