Friday, June 15, 2012

Doherty, Hunterdon: NO To Scudder Falls Toll Bridge!

New Jersey State Senator Michael Doherty (R-23) is pleased to announce that Hunterdon County has joined him in opposition to a plan to replace the safe and free I-95 Scudder Falls Bridge over the Delaware River with a new tolled bridge that would cost an estimated $330 million. 

Doherty has been a long-time critic of wasteful spending practices at the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission, the agency which operates the crossing, and had recently called for local officials to oppose the unnecessary bridge plan.

“I am glad that the Hunterdon County Board of Chosen Freeholders has taken the time to review the Scudder Falls Bridge project, and I’m not surprised that they arrived at the same conclusion that I did,” said Doherty. “Elected officials on both sides of the Delaware River should be concerned that free crossings that their constituents depend upon will be tolled unnecessarily, and that tolls at all crossings will likely need to increase to pay for this boondoggle of a project.”

The resolution approved in a unanimous vote (4-0 with one member absent) by the Hunterdon County Board of Chosen Freeholders notes that “the citizens of the County of Hunterdon have endured significant toll increases for their daily commutes and travels that have placed a burden upon their interstate activities and interstate commerce, and that continued increases in tolls will cause significant hardship and a detrimental influence on the business activities in Hunterdon County.”

Doherty noted that the current Scudder Falls Bridge continues to pass inspections and is considered safe for all legal loads. He further noted that a project underway to realign I-95, through a direct connection of I-95 and the Pennsylvania and New Jersey turnpikes further south, would result in a major traffic reduction on the bridge

“The Scudder Falls Bridge replacement project is a solution in search of a problem,” added Doherty. “The project is based on false estimates of traffic increases that will never happen due to the I-95 realignment that will completely bypass the Scudder Falls bridge. The DRJTBC will be stuck with an expensive new bridge and few toll paying drivers. The result will surely be toll increases at other bridges to cover the shortfall in revenue needed to make bond payments on the new bridge. I again urge local officials on both sides of the river to take action to urge the DRJTBC to cancel this wasteful project.”

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