Friday, June 15, 2012

Visions Of Arcadia At Phila. Museum Of Art

Curator Joe Richel interpreting one
of the paintings for the media.
Philadelphia Museum of Art Director Timothy Rub notes that artists return to the theme of Arcadia again and again and says the exhibition was envisioned by curator Joe Richel.
Rub says the staff of the Museum is so enthusiastic about this new exhibition and Joe Richel notes that this is his fifth Cezanne project but this is different from any that has come before.
Richel says he long dreamed about doing a show centered around the theme of Arcadia. He says these paintings are ambitious in form and complexity but they embrace one of the oldest themes in art: "People standing around without any clothes on amidst trees."
But Richel quickly adds that "of course there's more to it than that."
These paintings are connected to a grand theme and intertwined with the history of art and they relate to deep human longings not the least of which is carnal desire.
They also embrace our search for paradise and a desire to regain what we have lost.
They present a perfect world on earth -- a world inspired by Greek mythology.
Richel says these paintings "are like Brigadoom and Shangra-La." They live somewhere in a timeless place -- a sort of illusion that may be here one moment and gone the next. Do such places really exist.
We can only dream -- often through the eyes of an artist.

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