Monday, August 27, 2012

Scenes From The GOP Convention - Day One In Tampa

Just a very small portion of the vast media center at the convention.

The GOP Convention got underway on Monday -- well, sort of.
The Convention was formally convened and then adjourned.
The real action will begin tomorrow.
The Republicans always retained the option of convening a shortened, three-day convention and so that's what we will be seeing this week.
We really don't think we have to identify the faces above. You all know who they are. You certainly see enough of them.
Even when there are no convention sessions, media still converge and political power brokers and prognosticators still do their thing.
With so many of them gathered in one place at one time, it's hard to turn your gaze away -- and it's just so damned much fun to be here.
We'll keep you posted.
All photos copyright 2012 by Dan Cirucci.

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