Monday, August 27, 2012

Waterside In Tampa At GOP Convention

I'm sitting here waterside in Tampa just a short distance from the hall where the GOP convention will be held.
I've just picked up my credentials which will admit me to all convention sessions so that I can thoroughly report everything that's happening to you.
It's partly cloudy here in Tampa but the sun is peeking through the clouds. Our flight here was largely uneventful -- a few bumpy moments but no cause for concern.
We are surrounded by media types just now but we have not spotted any obvious "stars." We'll tell you when we do.
You know, the (once) dominant media have wanted an excuse not to cover the GOP convention -- to basically ignore it -- and now they think they've found that excuse in Isaac. But the old media no longer rule and the old rules don't apply anymore. This party, this convention, these candidates will not be ignored. Yes, there IS a storm here. It's a political storm. And it is about to sweep across the country and it will transform America. Get ready . . . the winds of change are blowing!

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