Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Perot Endorses Romney: Restrain Government Growth

INDEPENDENT NOD: Former presidential candidate H. Ross Perot today endorsed GOP candidate Mitt Romney. Perot, whose 1992 independent bid for the presidency captured close to 19 percent of the vote, praised Romney in an op-ed in the Des Moines Register, saying the GOP nominee would restrain the growth of government and “keep it from acting as a brake on economic growth.”
Up until recently Perot said he probably would not endorse either candidate.
But Perot (who is said to be a numbers whiz) has been increasingly concerned about the growing national debt.
In his op-ed, Perot says that in the 2012 presidential race, the stakes are “nothing less than our position in the world, our standard of living at home and our constitutional freedoms.” 

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