Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Town Hall: Obama, Romney Can Learn From Christie

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is almost always at his best.
But he's especially effective when he's out amongst the people in an open-ended Town Hall environment. This is where the Governor shines.
And he loves to be with the people of New Jersey. He gains energy and insight from them. They help keep him on his game. Which is where he was last week as these photos show -- on a basketball court in Mt. Laurel NJ, Burlington County.
Christie knows New Jerseyans are tough. They're quick-witted and hard to fool; just like him.
The frank discussion,  the banter and yes, even the laughter are all part of a Christie New Jersey Town Hall appearance. 
Christie has held nearly 100 of these Town Halls. This is where he cut his teeth. And this is where he gained the experience to step out on the national stage, almost as if that's where he always belonged.
As they prepare for tonight's Town Hall style debate, President Obama and Governor Romney can learn a lot from Chris Christie: Be natural, be authentic, be yourself. Don't pander, don't condescend. And this, too: State the facts as they are; don't sugarcoat things and respect the intelligence of your audience -- the hard-working, taxpaying people who hired you in the first place.

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