Thursday, October 11, 2012

VP Debate Live Blog - 3

Here we go.
Biden will be first to speak -- and answer the opening question.
Biden looks like he's wearing dentures. His smile looks fake.
Raddatz begins the debate by focusing on Libya.
She hits Biden hard on Libya right from the start. Biden pivots and starts talking about Iraq and Afghanistan. And he starts hitting at Romney. Biden doesn't want to talk about Libya. He wants to talk about bin Laden.
He says Obama has led "with a steady hand and a clear vision."
Ryan; It took the president TWO WEEKS to acknowledge that this was a terrorist attack. Ryan: "What we are watching is the unraveling of the Obama foreign policy."
Biden is smiling -- almost smirking -- when Ryan is speaking. And again, I say his teeth look false -- phony.
Biden: "With all dues respect, that's a bunch of malarcky."
Biden: "this is a president who has gone out and done everything he said he was gonna do."
But now Biden is stumbling with "ehhh, ahhh, uhhhh...."

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