Thursday, October 11, 2012

VP Debate - Live Blog 4

Biden is now trying to explain what happened in Libya and it doesn't seem to be working.
He's on the defensive and he's saying "we're gonna do whatever we can to find out what happened here."
Now, Ryan tries to take the offensive again but Martha Raddatz cuts him off and changes the subject to Iran.
Ryan pivots nicely and goes after Obama for allowing the nuclear buildup in Iran.
Ryan is talking faster and getting more ideas across. He's just quicker. And his clear, steadfast, blue eyes and so earnest and intense. He also uses good, measured, hand-gestures.
Biden is intent on trying to hammer Romney.
Biden: "We feel quite confident we can deal a serious blow to the Iranians" and says the Iranians "are a good way away" from delivering nuclear weapons and he calls the GOP position "bluster" and "loose talk."
Biden's trying desperately to paint the GOP as the party of war -- it's an old --VERY old tactic. Biden says the Obama policies are working because Iran sees their economy "being crippled."
Now Obama boasts that Israel's prime minister "has been my friend for 39 years" and said we all need "to calm down a little bit here."
Now, Biden's actually flat-out laughing at Ryan -- chuckling. And now Biden's starting to bloviate.
Biden seems so self-assured, almost arrogant, almost cocky. He's coming across like an old man who has seen and heard it all and who has no intention of ever listening to anyone younger.
Biden is coming off like the traditional old pol that he really is.
Now Biden is going to start blaming Bush.

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