Thursday, October 11, 2012

VP Debate - Live Blog 5

Now Biden is wound up.
He's talking about "my mom and dad."
He's basically making a campaign speech.
And, here he goes -- he's hammering Wall Street now.
Biden is laughing at Ryan again. He's snide. It doesn't look good.
Biden can't control himself. He's disdainful.
Ryan: "I think the Vice President knows that sometimes the words don't come out of you mouth the right way."
Now, Biden talks about the death of his wife in an auto accident.
biden says he doesn't doubt Romney's personal commitment to individuals.Now Biden's telling the GOP to "just get out of the way."
And now Biden is laughing again -- visually belittling Ryan again.
Now Biden says of Ryan: "I love my friend, here." But he laughs at him and mocks him.
And then there's this: Raddatz keeps cutting Ryan off.

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