Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Benedict Surprises Us

We thought we knew Benedict the 16th, we thought we had him figured out. Intellectual and shy, a lover of cats, piano and books. A Vatican insider, inflexible and wedded to tradition. A placeholder pope, quiet and sometimes awkward in the spotlight, tiding us over from one larger than life personality to whoever would come next. That was Benedict. We felt for him and the big shoes he had to fill but we didn't look to him for change or drama or surprise... until we awoke on Monday morning and found ourselves utterly shocked by his decision to resign. Just when we counted him out he set a new precedent - essentially pulling one over on all of us!

More than just shocking, Benedict's decision was savvy. Here's why: 
1.) He understands that the church at this moment in time needs to be led by someone who is vigorous enough to be completely engaged on the world stage -- new media, social media, etc. means more engagement, not less! Even if it allows you to engage more from a distance you must still be vigorous enough to engage. Benedict understood this.
2.) Undoubtedly B16 saw JP2 suffer and that weighed on this decision. The two men provided us two vastly different examples of how to end a pontificate. No one path is better or worse, right or wrong, we're lucky to have two different takes on how to do it back-to-back proving that two different Catholics may make two different (but both morally right) decisions in the same situation. There is more flexibility to the faith than one would be led to believe. 
3.) Sometimes the real proof of power is in giving it up. There is something to be said for stepping aside and ceding the stage though so often those in power find themselves unable to do it (or do it well). B16 goes on to fill another pioneering role, that of former pope. How he manages the transition and his life after the pontificate will surely affect popes to come.
Well done, good and faithful servant!

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