Wednesday, February 13, 2013

New York's Cardinal Dolan to Suceed Pope?

It's no secret that we're a fan of Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, having written about him numerous times in the past, as early as 2009 when he was installed as Archbishop of New York. But now it seems that he is being seen in some circles as papabile or "pope-able." We would be shocked at a selection from the United States but having been shocked already once this week (by no less than Benedict the 16th) we are well aware that anything can happen at the Vatican!

From the New York Times:

It was only a year ago that Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, the archbishop of New York, received his red hat in Rome, marking him as one of the princes of the Roman Catholic Church.

But suddenly, he found himself in even more rarefied company, with his name mentioned alongside those of more long-serving cardinals as a potential next pope, even though, by all accounts, his chances are slim. 

Read the full story

Good luck Cardinal Dolan!

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