Sunday, February 17, 2013

Enchantment Of The Seas And Caribbean Islands

On this ch-ch-ch-chilly February day we prefer to dwell on visions of sun, sand and the blue, blue waters of the Caribbean.
We're thinking the West Indies and the American, Dutch, French and British Virgin Islands -- places like Antigua, St. Martin's (and St Marteen) Antigua, Tortola, St. Thomas and even Puerto Rico and Labadee in Haiti.
We're thinking all of these places because that's where we've just returned from.
Yes, we've enjoyed 12 lovely days of island hopping via Royal Caribbean Cruise Line's Enchantment of the Seas. We departed from the Port of Baltimore (conveniently located just off I-95) and in no time at all we were in the warm, caressing waters of the islands.
Quick as a sandpiper, we happily lost track of season, month, week, day, date and time.
It was all soooo easy to take.
So, join us in enveloping yourselves in warm weather dreams via the photos above -- our President's Weekend gift to you.
And remember: Spring is just 33 days away!
All photos copyright 2013 by Dan Cirucci.


  1. Love this, looks like an amazing time! Glad you two got a break from the bone-chilling Northeast.

    -Bart Krause

  2. Always nice to hear from you, Bart. Hope all is well.
