Saturday, February 16, 2013

The First Pontiff From The U.S.?

Most insiders and analysts think that Cardinal Dolan becoming the next leader of the Catholic Church is as likely as a snow ball surviving in a blast furnace. He's moved his way up to becoming part of the conversation, as this blog has mentioned in as many days. Still, "Dark Horse" is apropos when referring to Dolan's chances.

But as the Inquirer has mentioned in a recent article, this ain't your typical rodeo. Six centuries have past since a Pope has stepped down from the Chair of Peter, and the Holy See is scrambling to deal with the new issues that have emerged with this highly unusual situation, from figuring out how to form a conclave without a funeral (traditionally the Conclave of Cardinals occurs between 15 and 20 days of the death of the Pope) and what title to give to Benedict XVI after he steps down (Pope Emeritus? Ex-Pope? Pope On Extended Holiday But Really Not Coming Back?).

Everything is turned on its side. And while it's still a long shot, it may be the best opportunity for an American Pope for decades.

On a personal note, we love Cardinal Dolan. He's smart, savvy, and while he isn't multilingual or held a Vatican post (unofficial prerequisites for the papacy) we think he's got the chops for the job. And maybe, in this media-saturated, turned around world, it's just what the Catholic Church needs.

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