Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Runyan: Let's Work Together For Strong Economy!

Here is a special message from Congressman Jon Runyan:

Dear Friend,

The United States of America is in the midst of one of the worst economic crises the nation has seen in the last century.  Our unemployment has remained above 8% for the last 35 months...nearly 3 years.  And while there are some indications that the economy is starting to improve, there is still a vast amount of work to be done to ensure the kind of recovery we need to get Americans back to work.

In an effort to help jump start the economy, and provide an environment for businesses to create jobs, the House of Representatives has passed more than 27 separate pieces of legislation that are aimed at creating jobs.  THESE BILLS WERE PASSED WITH BI-PARTISAN SUPPORT.  This includes H.R. 1070, the Small Company Capital Formation Act, which helps small businesses obtain access to the capital that is vital to their success and growth. 

Congress is also working to end the excessive regulations that are forcing businesses to close or stopping them from expanding.  The House passed H.R. 527, the Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act.  This bill would eliminate red tape that prevents small businesses from growing. 

The defense industry employs more residents of New Jersey's 3rd district than any other private sector business.  This is why I was so honored to be appointed to the bi-partisan House Armed Services Committee Panel on Business Challenges within the Defense Industry, otherwise known as the Defense Business Panel.  The panel's jurisdiction is to provide oversight of the current defense business environment and to identify contractor or regulatory issues facing the defense industry. 

In December I hosted a panel discussion in Mt. Laurel with local small businesses that work closely with the Department of Defense.  The discussion brought up many challenges that these small business owners face on a daily basis.  I look forward to continuing my work with this panel so that we can help these businesses thrive so they can create the jobs New Jersey workers need.

There is still a long road ahead until we reach a true economic recovery.  Congress much work together on a bi-partisan basis to pass common sense legislation that will promote economic expansion and job growth.  This is the only way the United States will be able to end the trend of high unemployment and poor economic performance. 

Jon Runyan
Member of Congress

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